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25 Best keyword clustering tools in 2023 [Free & Paid]

List of 25 Best keyword clustering tools

1. KeyClusters 

Keyclusters is an advanced tool designed specifically for keyword clustering and research purposes. It employs a distinctive algorithm to analyze the underlying semantic connections among keywords, resulting in efficient grouping of related terms. 

Unlike other tools, Keyclusters focuses solely on keyword clustering and does not offer built-in keyword research features. However, users can easily upload their keyword lists in CSV format and begin utilizing the tool’s powerful functionality.


  • Basic – $9
  • Starter – $19
  • Freelancer – $34
  • Entrepreneur – $59
  • Consultant – $110
  • Agency – $149


  • User friendly interface, no limits on keywords, credits never expire, paired with one of the most competitive PAYG pricing models available, KeyClusters has become our go-to keyword grouping tool.
  • Volume segregation and pace within minutes. 
  • Lifetime credits. 
  • Value for money



2. SEOwind

SEOwind is a highly valuable tool for generating content briefs and optimizing existing content. It excels in keyword clustering, which simplifies the task for content writers by identifying the essential keywords and topics that will enhance the content’s impact. 

By utilizing SEOwind, you can effortlessly create a comprehensive content brief and incorporate secondary keywords sourced from SERPs. The tool’s AI capabilities automatically group these keywords, enabling you to take full control of your content strategy. 

To illustrate, let’s consider the content brief for “green tea benefits.” SEOwind’s keyword clustering would organize related keywords into distinct groups, covering aspects such as the advantages of green tea, its nutritional facts, the presence of antioxidants, and phrases associated with daily consumption of green tea.


  • Basic – $49/ month
  • Pro – $119/ month
  • Agency – $239/ month


  • Simplifies the content creation process, helping you meet your traffic goals consistently.
  • Eliminates manual research and analysis, allowing you to focus on crafting high-quality content.



3. Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is an exceptional platform for content optimization that is rapidly expanding its impressive range of features.

One of its standout functionalities is the keyword clustering feature, which is highly effective in uncovering the most prevalent phrases and topics associated with your chosen keyword. By utilizing Surfer’s advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, it identifies emerging subtopics, questions, and ideas related to your keyword.

In addition, Surfer conducts a comprehensive analysis of the top-ranking pages for each keyword within the cluster. This analysis provides you with valuable insights into how Google perceives the topic. 

By understanding the search intent behind the primary keyword and determining the optimal number of keywords to include, Surfer empowers you to guide the content creation process effectively. It also generates a group of related keywords to further enhance your content’s relevance and visibility.


  • Basic – $59/month
  • Pro – $99/month
  • Business – $199/month


  • Utilizes 500+ ranking metrics to analyze content thoroughly.
  • Provides relevant keyword suggestions for content optimization.
  • Offers a SERP analyzer tool to spy on competitors and gain insights.
  • Integrates with Google Docs for seamless, SEO-optimized content creation.
  • Conducts content audits within minutes, saving time and effort.
  • Identifies profitable link-building opportunities for improved website visibility and authority.


  • At times, suggestions may lack relevance.
  • They can feel overwhelming for individuals who are new to the subject.
  • The base plan does not include the provision for NLP queries.

4. SE Ranking

SE Ranking stands out from other SEO solutions with its comprehensive features that cater to all your needs. One key feature that distinguishes this software is its powerful group tool, which offers users remarkable flexibility and an array of customization options. 

With SE Ranking, users have complete control over keyword searches and comparisons, allowing them to maximize their SEO strategies. The software enables users to select specific search engines, regions, and languages, tailoring their optimization efforts to their target audience. 

Additionally, SE Ranking offers the option of hard and soft keyword reviews, where the latter groups words based on their shared results with the primary phrase rather than with each other. This level of customization empowers users to fine-tune their SEO approach according to their specific requirements.


  • Essential – $31.20/mo
  • Pro – $71.20/mo
  • Business – $151.20/mo


  • Incredible Value.
  • Scalable and flexible.
  • High-quality data. 
  • Broad feature set. 
  • Project workflows. 


  • Missing backlink metrics.
  • Cluttered UI.

5. Keyword Cupid

Keyword Cupid emerged as one of the pioneering keyword cluster tools in the market. Although it falls on the higher end in terms of pricing, this tool boasts user-friendly features and remarkable flexibility, making it suitable for a diverse range of scenarios.

This advanced word clustering tool leverages real-time SERP data and employs machine learning techniques to effectively group keywords. Additionally, it provides a confidence rating, allowing users to gauge the strength of the connections between different keywords. 

Alongside its comprehensive keyword research capabilities, Keyword Cupid offers support for various keyword research tools, as well as a host of unique features. These include topic siloes, a SERP scraper, and interactive mind-map visualizations, enhancing the overall experience for users.


  • Starter – $9.99/mo
  • Freelancer – $49.99/mo
  • Agency – $149.99/mo
  • Enterprise – $499.99/mo


  • Ease of use and simple UI/UX.
  • Multiple language options.
  • Location-based keyword grouping


  • Does not offer search volume of the keywords or the clusters.
  • The keyword clusters are sometimes off-topic


KeywordInsights is an AI-powered content marketing platform designed for effective keyword research, content brief creation, and keyword clustering to enhance SEO outcomes.

With its keyword discovery tool, you can effortlessly input a keyword and instantly generate hundreds of related terms. These keywords can be utilized in the platform’s keyword clustering tool, enabling you to target multiple keywords on a single page.

The platform’s keyword clustering tool simplifies the process of identifying and grouping similar words to optimize ranking. By leveraging real-time search result pages, the tool generates a cluster of keywords that are easy to rank for, possess low volume and difficulty. Consequently, this enables the creation of content pieces on a single page instead of separate pages.


  • Basic – $49/month
  • Professional – $99/month
  • Premium – $299/month
  • Agency – $599/month


  • easily group large amounts of keywords


  • Sometimes more time consuming.

7. Cluster AI leverages up-to-date SERP data to generate keyword clusters. According to their documentation, the platform analyzes the presence of common URLs on the first page of search results for a given keyword list. If three or more URLs are shared across multiple keywords, the platform intelligently groups them together, forming cohesive keyword clusters.


  • Hobbyist – $39/month
  • Consultant – $89/month
  • Team – $179/month
  • Agency – $389/month
  • Enterprise – $699/month
  • Team –  $249/month


  • Offers international SERP analysis.
  • Easy-to-use UI/UX.


  • Costly pricing plans.
  • Needs a user to have an account on third-party research tools.

8. SEO Scout

SEO Scout operates seamlessly by accepting inputs and delivering results directly within the same browser. Although manually counting the number of keywords per cluster requires additional effort, the platform provides quick and cost-free results.


  • FREE


  • Ease of use and simple UI/UX.
  • Multiple language options.
  • Location-based keyword grouping.


  • Does not offer search volume of the keywords or the clusters.
  • The keyword clusters are sometimes off-topic.


Frase stands out as an exceptional SEO tool that offers a wide range of features, including AI content writing, content brief generation, and content optimization and scoring.

Among its comprehensive set of functionalities, Frase includes a keyword clustering tool within its content research and briefs feature. This tool simplifies the process of grouping related keywords, providing valuable insights into the context of each topic.

By utilizing Frase’s keyword clustering tool, you can effortlessly create a comprehensive blog post that incorporates all relevant and long-tail keywords. Moreover, the tool provides ample data to build a comprehensive keyword cluster encompassing all the keywords within that particular topic area.


  • Solo – $14.99/month
  • Basic – $44.99/month
  • Team – $114.99/month


  • Excellent UX/UI 


  • Bit expensive

10. ZenBrief

ZenBrief employs an NLP approach to decipher the intent behind keywords, offering a more precise methodology compared to Lemma-based clustering. However, it may not be as accurate as grouping techniques that rely on SERP data.

The tool boasts a user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless experience. It allows users to upload up to 30,000 keywords simultaneously, provided the file size does not exceed 1MB. ZenBrief then employs its NLP algorithm to analyze the keywords and generate relevant keyword groups.


  • FREE


  • The keyword grouping tool offers a user-friendly experience for easy utilization.
  • It includes filters to customize the cluster size according to specific requirements.
  • The tool considers the search intent of keywords, resulting in more precise and contextually relevant keyword clusters.


  • Requires users to share keywords.
  • Does not offer search volume of keywords.

11. Serpstat

SerpStat is a highly popular SEO management platform known for its comprehensive features such as backlink analysis, keyword research, SEO keyword rank tracking, competitor analysis, and site audits.

Among its array of SEO tools, SerpStat offers a keyword clustering feature that automatically groups up to 50,000 keywords based on SERP similarity. The platform ensures user-friendliness by prompting users to input the necessary parameters for grouping. Once completed, SerpStat generates a list of created clusters along with the keywords included in each cluster.

Furthermore, users can compare keyword volumes and assess their inter-connected strength by matching URLs within the top 30 search results. The platform allows users to add, delete, and move keywords to different clusters, providing flexibility in organization. Additionally, users have the option to export the clusters and keywords for further processing as per their specific requirements.


  • Lite – $69/month
  • Standard – $149/month
  • Advanced- $299/month
  • Enterprise – $499/month


  • User interface is easy to navigate.
  • Solid keyword research functionality


  • Kind of expensive, but more generous limits than other more costly tools

12. HubSpot

While HubSpot may not be the originator of keyword clustering, they have played a significant role in popularizing the widely used pillar and cluster model.

Within their comprehensive suite of SEO and marketing tools, HubSpot offers a clustering feature that enables users to efficiently group and categorize keywords based on topics.

This functionality proves invaluable as it allows users to uncover latent semantic indexing (LSI) terms, identify related phrases, and discover opportunities for content optimization and internal linking. By leveraging the clustering feature, users can enhance their content strategy and maximize their SEO efforts.


  • Professional – $800/month
  • Enterprise – $3,600/mo


  • Efficient organization of keywords.
  • Enhanced SEO strategy.
  • Guidance for content creation.
  • Competitive analysis.


  • Limited functionality compared to dedicated SEO tools.
  • Learning curve to use the tools effectively.
  • Cost considerations.

13. Umbrellum

Umbrellum, created by Wouter van der Meij, a freelance SEO consultant, is a comprehensive keyword research and tracking tool.

In addition to its toolkit, Umbrellum offers a free keyword grouping tool developed by Wouter. This tool allows users to input a list of keywords, and while the exact limit is not specified, it successfully processed 500 keywords during testing. The tool employs a mathematical approach called Levenshtein distancing to calculate the distance between words, enabling it to group similar keywords into clusters effectively.


  • Small/ Medium business – $25/month
  • Enterprise – $85/month

14. KeyWI

KeyWI is an AI-based content marketing platform designed to simplify the process of creating SEO-friendly content and analyzing its performance. It offers various features, including an AI research algorithm that eliminates the need for time-consuming keyword research and competitor analysis.

One standout feature of KeyWI is its topic clustering tool. This tool automatically groups keywords that share similarities in the eyes of search engines. By doing so, KeyWI saves marketers valuable time that would otherwise be spent on manual organization using tools like Excel sheets. The platform utilizes advanced mathematical techniques, such as Natural Language Processing, to analyze and group keywords effectively.


  • Basic – $34/month
  • Standard – $74/month
  • Pro- $159/month

15. Keywords in Sheets

A cost-effective method for keyword clustering involves utilizing Google Sheets in conjunction with a keyword grouping add-on like “Keywords in Sheets.” This approach is particularly advantageous if you already possess a pre-existing list of keywords. To begin, you can export your keyword list as a CSV file and import it into Google Sheets. Once imported, you can employ the keyword grouping add-on to cluster the keywords effectively.

One significant advantage of this approach is that it is essentially free of cost. However, it does require more manual effort and can be time-consuming compared to using a dedicated keyword grouping tool. Despite the additional work involved, this method serves as a convenient and accessible way to initiate keyword clustering without incurring additional expenses.



16. Keyword Clarity

Keyword Clarity’s topic cluster generator offers a unique approach to keyword clustering by providing visual mind maps or spider diagrams as results. Instead of presenting the information in a spreadsheet or written format, it visually represents the connections between individual keywords by grouping them into nodes. 

This visual representation helps to clarify the relationships between keywords, making it particularly useful if you intend to implement content siloing strategies. The visual mind maps or spider diagrams provided by Keyword Clarity offer a clear and intuitive way to understand the keyword clusters and their interconnections.



17. Answer The Public 

Answer The Public is a versatile keyword research tool that includes a keyword clustering feature. Using this tool is straightforward – just input a seed keyword into the search bar. Answer The Public will then provide you with a comprehensive list of related questions associated with your seed keyword. This feature proves valuable for generating content ideas, whether it be for blog posts or FAQ pages. By exploring the questions suggested by Answer The Public, you can uncover relevant topics and better understand user intent, aiding in your content creation and keyword clustering efforts.


  • Individual – $5/month
  • Pro – $49/month
  • Expert – $99/month


  • Visualization View
  • Data Views


  • Users working in more obscure niches sometimes find limited results

18. MarketBold

MarketBold offers a product called Keyword Grouper Pro, which provides keyword clustering functionality at no cost. With Keyword Grouper Pro, all you need to do is input a list of keywords and specify the minimum group length, which determines the number of terms required to form a cluster.

Additionally, Keyword Grouper Pro allows you to exclude specific words from the analysis. This feature enables you to filter out irrelevant or unrelated terms, ensuring more accurate and meaningful keyword clustering results. By leveraging Keyword Grouper Pro’s capabilities, you can efficiently organize your keywords into clusters and gain valuable insights for your marketing and content strategies.



19. KWfinder

KWFinder is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a variety of features, including a keyword clustering tool. With KWFinder’s keyword clustering feature, you can organize and group related keywords to gain insights into semantic relationships and user intent.

Using KWFinder’s keyword clustering tool typically involves the following steps:

  1. Input Keywords
  1. Perform Analysis
  1. View Clusters.
  1. Extract Insights


  • Basic – $29.90/month
  • Premium – $44.90/month
  • Agency – $89.90/month


  • User-friendly keyword research tool on the market.
  • Fast keyword loading times.
  • Allows you to analyze competitor websites to find their top-ranking keywords.
  • Great data aggregation for keyword analysis.


  • No keyword gap analysis feature.
  • Keyword suggestions are capped at 700 results for every search.
  • Daily data request limits can be a problem for heavy users unless they upgrade to a higher-priced plan

20. Contadu

Contadu’s keyword clustering and grouping tool may be labeled as a “basic method of text distance analysis,” but it offers several clever features that set it apart from other tools in the market.



21. Pemavor

Pemavor’s keyword clustering and grouping tool stands out as a free, user-friendly autocomplete (autosuggest) keyword tool that doesn’t require any signup or registration. It offers the flexibility to choose from four platforms as sources: Google Search, News, Shopping, and YouTube. Additionally, users have the convenience of exporting results in bulk, allowing for easy integration into their workflows.



22. NeuralText

NeuralText is an online content planning platform that offers a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline various content marketing tasks, including keyword discovery, SEO analysis, and AI-powered text generation.

By utilizing the NeuralText platform, you can efficiently conduct keyword research and discover long-tail keyword suggestions. Once you obtain the results, their keyword clustering tool allows you to swiftly group and organize the suggestions.

The NeuralText Clustering Tool seamlessly integrates with popular SEO tools such as SEMRush and Ahrefs. This integration enables you to import keyword reports from these platforms and upload them directly into the clustering tool. Upon specifying the country and language, the tool generates keyword clusters based on geo-located SERP rankings, providing insights tailored to specific locations.


  • Strater – $19/month
  • Basic – $49/month
  • Pro – $119/month

23. Keysearch

Keysearch’s aim is to democratize access to advanced SEO research and data, which was traditionally reserved for large businesses and agencies due to high costs. By offering its tools at an affordable price, Keysearch enables everyday bloggers and businesses to leverage the same level of research and data to enhance their SEO strategies. Moreover, Keysearch distinguishes itself by eliminating the steep learning curve and unnecessary complexities associated with many other SEO tools, focusing on the features that the majority of users actually need for their independent SEO research.

Keysearch was founded to provide accessible and affordable SEO tools to a wide range of users, allowing them to harness the power of advanced research and data without the exorbitant price tags and complexities often associated with similar tools




  • Very affordable
  • Intuitive and easy to use
  • Easy to export data


  • No phone or live chat support
  • Content assistant tool ruins formatting
  • Occasional discrepancies in data compared to other keyword research tools

24. Botster

Botster offers a convenient solution for grouping keywords based on their topical relevance, making it particularly useful for SEO professionals. The tool operates through a straightforward mechanism: it parses the Google search result pages for each keyword and assesses whether the provided keywords can coexist on the same web document based on Google’s current output. By analyzing the search results, Botster efficiently identifies keyword clusters, helping SEO practitioners organize their keywords effectively and optimize their content strategy.



25. Scalenut

Scalenut offers a powerful topic cluster generator that enables users to effortlessly create keyword clusters through a streamlined process. Instead of relying on uploading .csv or .txt files, users can simply input the main keyword and specify the desired location for the keyword clusters.

This tool serves as a convenient two-in-one solution, combining both keyword research and grouping functionalities. By analyzing the search engine results pages (SERPs), Scalenut’s topic cluster generator autonomously generates multiple keyword clusters within a matter of minutes. This efficient process saves users valuable time and delivers comprehensive keyword clustering insights for optimizing their content strategy.


  • Individual – $29/month
  • Growth – $79/month
  • Pro – $149/month


  • Fastest keyword cluster generator.
  • Does not require users to share keywords.
  • Users can deep dive into research for every cluster by creating an SEO report for every cluster.




Keyword clustering is an essential aspect of SEO, allowing businesses to target a wider range of search queries and improve their online visibility. In this blog, we have presented a comprehensive list of the 25 best keyword clustering tools for 2023, including both free and paid options. From well-known industry leaders to innovative newcomers, these tools offer a variety of features to help you optimize your keyword strategy effectively.

Whether you’re a seasoned SEO professional or just starting your digital marketing journey, these tools will assist you in enhancing your keyword clustering efforts and achieving better search engine rankings.

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